Intel 8051 / 8052 / 80251 / XA
Motorola 68HC05-HC08-HC11-HC12-HC16, 680x, 68k, MPC505, M-Core
Microchip PIC micro -----
BASIC Stamp / Stamp 2 / SX -----
Atmel AVR
Zilog Z-80 / Intel 808x / 8096 / 6502 -----
Intel 80x86 / 80x88 / i960
Power Supplies, Resources, & Batteries
----- Robotics
GPS, GIS, Navigation & Guidance -----
Vehicles, Vessels, & Craft
PDA / Palm / Psion ----- Windows CE / Pocket PC
JavaOS, Java VM, JINI ----- Smart Cards
Click on title for details...
C Development for Embedded Microcontrollers
Kirk Zurell; August 2002; Computer Bookshops
Designing Embedded Internet Devices
B. Demuth, D. Eisenreich; July 2002; Butterworth-Heinemann
Embedded Internet Design
Al Williams; July 2002; McGraw-Hill
TCP/IP Application Layer Protocols for Embedded Systems
M. Tim Jones; June 2002; Charles River Media
Embedded Systems Design
Steve Heath; May 2002; Butterworth-Heinemann
Embedded C
Michael J. Pont; April 2002; Addison Wesley
Programming for Embedded Systems: Cracking the Code
Dreamtech Software Team; April 2002; Hungry Minds
Embedded Linux: Hardware, Software, and Interfacing
Craig Hollabaugh; March 2002; Addison Wesley
Memory Design Techniques for Low Energy Embedded Systems
Macii, Benini, Poncino; March 2002; Kluwer Academic
Embedded Systems Firmware Demystified
Ed Sutter; February 2002; CMP Books
Fundamentals of Embedded Software: Where C and Assembly Meet
D. Lewis; February 2002; Prentice Hall
Practical Linux Programming: Device Drivers, Embedded systems, and the Internet
Ashfaq A. Khan; February 2002; Charles River Media
Embedded Systems Design: An Introduction to Processes, Tools & Techniques
Arnold S. Berger; December 2001; CMP Books
Simulation Engineering: Build Better Embedded Systems Faster
Jim Ledin; Book+CD, August 2001; CMP Books
Developing Bioinformatics Computer Skills
Cynthia Gibas, Per Jambeck; April 2001; O'Reilly
TCP/IP Lean: A Web Servers for Real-Time Systems
Jeremy Bentham; October 2000; CMP Books
USB Complete: Everything You Need to Develop Custom USB Peripherals
Jan Axelson; December 1999; Lakeview Research
MicroC/OS-II: The Real-Time Kernel (Book+Disk)
Jean Labrosse; November 1998; R & D Books
Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors: Real World Design
Stuart Ball; February 2001; Newnes
PPP Design, Implementation, & Debugging (book+CD)
James Carlson; 2nd Ed. January 15, 2001; Addison Wesley
Small Memory Software: Patterns for Systems with Limited Memory
J. Noble, C. Weir, D. Bibby; December 2000; Addison-Wesley
Data Over Wireless Networks: Bluetooth, WAP, & Wireless Lans
Gilbert Held; November 2000; McGraw-Hill
Code Optimization Techniques for Embedded Processors - Methods, Algorithms, & Tools
Rainer Leupers; October 2000; Kluwer Academic Pub.
Embedded Microcontrollers (CPU12, uC/OS-II)
Todd D. Morton; October 2000; Pearson Education
Function/Architecture Optimization & Co-Design of Embedded Systems
Tabbara, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli; September 2000; Kluwer Academic
Math Toolkit for Real-Time Programming (Book+CD)
Jack W. Crenshaw; September 2000; CMP Books
Computers As Components: Principles of Embedded System Design
Wayne Hendrix Wolf; September 2000; Morgan Kaufmann
Embedded Controller Hardware Design (Book+CD)
Ken Arnold; September 2000; LLH Technology
The Forrest Mims Circuit Scrapbook, Volume I
The Forrest Mims Circuit Scrapbook, Volume II
Forrest M. Mims; September 2000; LLH Technology
Digital Communications
John G. Proakis; 4th ed. August 15, 2000; McGraw Hill
Embedded Microcontroller Interfacing for M-CORE Systems (Book+CD)
G.J. Lipovski, J.D. Irwin; July 2000; Academic Pr.
Linux Assembly Language Programming (Book+CD)
Bob Neveln; July 2000; Prentice Hall
System-On-A-Chip: Design and Test
Rochit Rajsuman; July 2000; Artech House
Flow Design for Embedded Systems: A Radical New Unified Object-Oriented Methodology
Barry Kauler; 2nd Ed. June 2000; CMP Books
Real-Time Systems
Jane W. S. Liu; June 2000; Prentice Hall
Embedded Microprocessor Systems: Real World Design
Stuart R. Ball; May 2000; Butterworth-Heinemann
Wireless Web Development
Ray Rischpater; May 2000; APress
Windows NT Embedded: Step-by-Step
Sean Liming; May 2000; Annabooks
Digital Logic Simulation and CPLD Programming
Steve Waterman; April 2000; Prentice Hall
Implementing IPV6: Supporting the Next Generation Internet Protocols
P.E. Miller, M.A. Miller; March 2000; IDG Books
Information Appliances and Beyond
Eric Bergman; March 2000; Morgan Kaufmann
C Programming for Embedded Systems (Book+CD)
Kirk Zurell; February 2000; CMP Books
High-Speed Wireless ATM and LANs
Benny Bing; February 2000; Artech House
Designing Concurrent, Distributed, and Real-Time Applications with UML
Hassan Gomaa; January 2000; Addison-Wesley
Embedded Microcomputer Systems: Real Time Interfacing (Book+CD)
Jonathan W. Valvano; January 2000; Brooks/Cole Pub.
Embedded Systems Building Blocks: Complete and Ready-To-Use Modules in C (Book+CD)
Jean J. Labrosse; 2nd Ed. January 2000; CMP Books
Embedded Microprocessor Systems: Real-Time Interfacing
Jonathan W. Valvano; December 1999; Brooks/Cole Pub. Co.
Real-Time Programming: A Guide to 32-Bit Embedded Development (X86)
R. Grehan, R. Moote, I. Cyliax; November 1999; Addison-Wesley
The Art of Designing Embedded Systems
Jack G. Ganssle; November 1999; Newnes
The Essential Guide to Digital Set-Top Boxes and Interactive TV
Gerard O'Driscoll; November 19, 1999; Prentice Hall
An Embedded Software Primer (Book+CD)
David E. Simon; October 1999; Addison-Wesley
Linkers and Loaders
John R. Levine; October 1999; Morgan Kaufmann
Real-Time UML: Developing Efficient Objects for Embedded Systems
Bruce Powell Douglass; 2nd Ed. October 29, 1999; Addison-Wesley
Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model
Walter Oney; Book+CD, September 1999; Microsoft Press
Computer Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware Designs
Behrooz Parhami; August 1999; Oxford Univ. Press
Practical Wireless Data Modem Design
J.Y.C. Cheah; August 1999; Artech House
Optimizing Wireless/RF Circuits (Book+CD)
John Lenk; July 1999; McGraw Hill
C is for Control: A Laboratory Text for Hardware Interfacing with C and C++
John Blankenship; July 1999; Prentice Hall
Electromagnetic Shielding Handbook for Wired and Wireless EMC Applications
Anatoly Tsaliovich; July 1999; Kluwer Academic
Design-For-Test For Digital IC's and Embedded Core Systems
Alfred L. Crouch; June 15, 1999; Prentice Hall
Intelligent Biometric Techniques in Fingerprint and Face Recognition
L.C. Jain, U. Halici, I. Hayashi, S.B. Lee; June 1999; CRC Press
Mobile Radio Networks: Networking and Protocols
Bernhard H. Walke; June 1999; John Wiley & Son
Doing Hard Time: Developing Real-Time Systems with UML, Objects, Frameworks and Patterns (Book+CD)
Bruce Powel Douglass; May 14, 1999; Addison-Wesley
Control, Optimization, and Smart Structures: High-Performance Bridges and Buildings of the Future
Hojjat Adeli, Amgad Saleh; April 1999; John Wiley & Sons
Official Wireless Application Protocol (WAP): The Complete Standard (Book+CD)
John Wiley & Sons; April 1999
Sensors for Measurement and Control
Peter Elgar; April 15, 1999; Addison-Wesley
Performance Analysis of Real-Time Embedded Software
Yau-Tsun Steven Li, Sharad Malik; March 1999; Kluwer Academic
Introduction to Telephony: Understanding Telephone Systems and Services
Jane Laino; 3rd Ed. March 1999; Telecom Library
Detecting the World: Capturing Physical Measurements With C++
David McCombs; February 1999; CMP Books
Embedded Systems and the Year 2000 Problem: Guidance Notes
Inspec/IEEE; February 1999
Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++
Michael Barr, Andy Oram (Ed.); February 1999, O'Reilly & Associates
CANopen: Implementation Made Simple
M.Farsi, M. Barbosa; January 1999; Research Studies Press
SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
Stuart A. Boyer; January 1999; Instrument Society of America (ISA)
When Things Start to Think
Neil A. Gershenfeld; January 1999; Henry Holt & Co.
Modern Cable Television Technology: Video, Voice, and Data Communications
J. Farmer, D. Large, W.S. Ciciora; December 1998; Morgan Kaufmann
Understanding Digital PCS: The TDMA Standard
Cameron Kelly Coursey; December 1998; Artech House
Learn Encryption Techniques with BASIC and C++ (Book+CD)
Gilbert Held; November 1998; Wordware Publishing
Real-Time Programming: A Guide to 32-Bit Embedded Development (Intel x86, CD)
Rick Grehan, Robert Moote, Ingo Cyliax; November 1998; Addison-Wesley
Windows NT Device Driver Development
Peter Viscarola, W. Anthony Mason; November 1998; New Riders
The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1-3, Boxed Set
Donald E. Knuth; Slipcase Edition, October 1998; Addison-Wesley
Hardware/Software Co-Design for Data Flow Dominated Embedded Systems
Ralf Niemann; October 1998; Kluwer Academic
Memory Issues in Embedded Systems-On-Chip: Optimizations and Exploration
P.R. Panda, N.D. Dutt, A. Nicolau; October 1998; Kluwer Academic
Safety Shutdown Systems: Design, Analysis, and Justification
P. Gruhn, H. Cheddie; October 1998; Instrument Society of America
Crash Course in Digital Technology
Louis Frenzel; 2nd Ed. September 1998; Butterworth-Heinemann
The QNX 4 Real-time Operating System
Frank Kolnick; September 1998; Basis Computer Systems
Computer Circuits Electrical Design
Ron K. Poon; August 5, 1998; Prentice Hall
The Essence of Communications Theory
Richard Read; August 1998; Prentice Hall
The RF and Microwave Circuit Design Cookbook
Stephen A. Maas; August 1998; Artech House
Handbook of Microcontrollers (Re 8051, 68HC05, Atmel AVR, PIC, Stamp, +CD)
Michael Predko; July 1998; McGraw Hill
Serial Port Complete (Book+Disk)
Jan Axelson; July 1998; Lakeview Research
The Microcontroller Beginner's Handbook (Re Microchip PIC, with CD)
Lawrence A. Duarte; July 1998; Prompter Pub.
Advanced Techniques for Embedded Systems Design and Test
J.C. Lopez, R. Hermida, W. Geisselhardt; June 1998; Kluwer Academic
Front Panel: Designing Software for Embedded User Interfaces (Book+Disk)
Niall Desmond Murphy; June 1998; R & D Books
Fundamentals of Programmable Logic Controllers, Sensors, and Communications
Jon Stenerson; 2nd Ed., June 1998; Prentice Hall
CDMA RF System Engineering
Samuel C. Yang; May 1998; Artech House
Cracking DES: Secrets of Encryption Research, Wiretap Politics & Chip Design
Electronic Frontier Foundation; May 1998; O'Reilly & Associates
Getting Started with QNX -- A Guide for Realtime Programmers
Robert Krten; May 1998; QNX Software Systems Ltd.
GSM and Personal Communications Handbook
S. Redl, M. Weber, M.W. Oliphant; May 1998; Artech House
PCI Hot-Plug: Application and Design
Alan Goodrum; May 1998; Annabooks
Programmable Logic Handbook: PLDs, CPLDs and FPGAs
Ashok K. Sharma; May 1998; McGraw Hill Text
Simplified Design of Microprocessor-Supervisory Circuits
John D. Lenk; April 1998; Butterworth-Heinemann
The World According to Wavelets: The Story of a Mathematical Technique in the Making
Barbara Burke Hubbard; 2nd ed. April 1998; AK Peters Ltd
Debugging Embedded Microprocessor Systems
Stuart R. Ball; March 1998; Newnes
The Essence of Microprocessor Engineering (Re Motorola 68000)
S.J. Katzen, S. Cahill; March 20, 1998; Prentice Hall
How Radio Signals Work: All the Basics Plus Where to Find Out More
Jim Sinclair; February 1998; McGraw-Hill
The Practical Xilinx Designer Lab Book
David Van Den Bout; February 1998; Prentice Hall
The Cache Memory Book
Jim Handy; February 1998; Academic Press
Electrical Power: Motors, Controls, Generators, Transformers
Joe Kaiser; January 1998; Goodheart-Willcox Co.
Real-Time UML: Developing Efficient Objects for Embedded Systems
Bruce P. Douglass; January 1998; Addison-Wesley
The Essence of Digital Design
Barry Wilkinson; January 1998; Prentice Hall
Programming the Parallel Port: Interfacing the PC for Data Acquisition & Process Control
Dhananjay V. Gadre; January 1998; CMP Books
Digital Control of Dynamic Systems
G.F. Franklin, D.J. Powell, M.L. Workman; December 1997; Addison-Wesley
Fuzzy Controllers
Leonid Reznik; December 1997; Newnes
Understanding Digital Transmission and Recording
Irwin LeBow; December 1997; IEEE
Embedded Systems Design
Steve Heath; November 1997; Butterworth-Heinemann
Microcontroller Cookbook: PIC & 8051
Mike James; November 4, 1997; Butterworth-Heinemann
Programmable Controllers and Designing Sequential Logic
Robert F. Filer, George Leinonen; November 1997; HBJ College & School Div.
Arithmetic Built-In Self-Test for Embedded Systems
Janusz Rajski, Jerzy Tyszer; October 1997; Prentice Hall
CAN System Engineering: From Theory to Practical Applications (Book+Disk)
Wolfhard Lawrenz; October 1997; Springer Verlag
Beyond MIDI: The Handbook of Musical Codes
E. Selfridge-Field, D. Byrd, D. Bainbridge; September 1997; MIT Press
The Embedded PC's ISA Bus: Firmware, Gadgets and Practical Tricks
Edward Nisley; September 1997; Annabooks
ATM & MPEG-2: Integrating Digital Video Into Broadband Networks
Michael Orzessek , Peter Sommer; August 8, 1997; Prentice Hall
Security, ID Systems, and Locks: The Book on Electronic Access Control
Joel Konicek, Karen Little; August 1997; Butterworth-Heinemann
Win32 System Programming (Book+CD)
Johnson M. Hart; August 1997; Addison-Wesley
Windows Assembly Language & Systems Programming:
16- And 32-Bit Low-Level Programming for the PC and Windows
Barry Kauler; CMP Books
Digital Devices and Systems With PLD Applications (Book+Disk)
Michael Miller; June 1997; Delmar Pub.
Embedded System Applications
C. Baron, J. Geffroy, G. Motet; June 1997; Kluwer Academic
Hardware-Software Co-Synthesis of Distributed Embedded Systems
Ti-Yen Yen, Wayne Hendrix Wolf; June 1997; Kluwer Academic
Retargetable Compilers for Embedded Core Processors: Methods & Experiences in Industrial Applications
Clifford Liem; June 1997; Kluwer Academic
Digital Systems Design and Prototyping Using Field Programmable Logic
Zoran Salcic, Asim Smailagic; CD Edition, May 1997; Kluwer Academic
Hardware-Software Co-Design of Embedded Systems: The POLIS Approach
F. Balarin, M. Chiodo, P. Giusto, H. Hsieh; May 1997; Kluwer Academic
The PCI Handbook: For Hardware and Software Engineers
Brian Dipert; May 1997; Annabooks
Influence of Temperature on Microelectronics and System Reliability
P. Lall, M.G. Pecht, E.B. Hakim; April 1997; CRC Press
Real-Time Systems: Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Applications
Hermann Kopetz; April 1997; Kluwer Academic
Electronic Circuit Guidebook: Sensors
Joseph J. Carr; March 1997; PROMPT Pub.
Simplified Design of Data Converters
John D. Lenk; March 1997; Butterworth-Heinemann
Television Microprocessor IC Data Files
John Edwards; March 1997; Butterworth-Heinemann
Industrial Process Control Systems
Dale R. Patrick, Stephen W. Fardo; February 1997; Delmar Pub.
Parallel Port Complete
Jan Axelson; February 1997; Lakeview Research
Fuzzy Logic for Real World Design (Book+Disk)
Ted Heske, Jill Neporent Heske; January 1997; Annabooks
CMOS Cookbook
Don Lancaster; 2nd Edition, January 1997; Sams
Fuzzy and Neural Approaches in Engineering
Lefteri H. Tsoukalas, Robert E. Uhrig; January 1997; John Wiley & Sons
Microcontrollers and Microcomputers: Principles of Software and Hardware Engineering
Frederick M. Cady; January 1997; Oxford Univ. Press
Micro-Electronics: The Structure & Operation of Microprocessor-Based Systems (Z80, 8086, 68k)
Douglas M. Boniface; December 1996; Paul & Co. Pub. Consortium
Component Identifier & Source Book: Ultimate Cross-Reference for the Electronics Industry
Victor Meeldijk; November 1996; Prompter Pub.
Embedded Microprocessor Systems: Real World Design
Stuart R. Ball; November 1996; Butterworth Architecture
Reusable Software Components: Object-Oriented Embedded Systems Programming in C (+CD)
T. Van Sickle; November 1996; Prentice Hall
The Essence of Analog Electronics
Colin Lunn; November 20, 1996; Prentice Hall
Radio-Frequency Electronics: Circuits and Applications
Jon B. Hagen; October 1996; Cambridge Univ. Press
Object-Oriented Neural Networks in C (Book+Disk)
Joey Rogers; October 1996; Academic Press
How Debuggers Work: Algorithms, Data Structures, and Architecture
Jonathan B. Rosenberg; September 1996; John Wiley & Sons
Garbage Collection: Algorithms for Automatic Dynamic Memory Management
Richard Jones, Rafael D Lins; August 1996; John Wiley & Son
Introduction to Applied Fuzzy Electronics
Ahmad M. Ibrahim; August 12, 1996; Prentice Hall
Video Demystified (Book+CD)
Keith Jack; 2nd Ed. July 1996; Independent Pub. Group
Detection and Estimation Methods for Biomedical Signals
Metin Akay; April 1996; Academic Press
Programmable Controller Circuits
Roger M. Bertrand; April 1996; Delmar Pub.
Serial Networked Field Instrumentation
J. R. Jordan; April 1996; John Wiley & Sons
Chilton's Engine Code Manual
D Morgantini, W Calvin, J Settle, N D'Andrea; March 1996; W.G.Nichols
The Control Handbook
William S. Levine; March 1996; CRC Press
Embedded Microprocessor Systems
C. Muller-Schloer, F. Geerinckx, Stanford-smith; January 1, 1996; IOS Press
Object-Oriented Technology for Real-Time Systems: A Practical Approach Using OMT & Fusion
M. Awad, J. Ziegler, J. Kuusela; January 1996; Prentice Hall
TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols
TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2: The Implementation
TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 3: TCP for Transactions, HTTP, NNTP, and Unix Domain Protocols
W. Richard Stevens; January 1996; Addison-Wesley
Automotive Electricity and Electronics: Concepts and Applications
B.H. Dwiggins, E.F. Mahoney; December 1995; Prentice Hall
Mechatronics: Mechanical System Interfacing
D.M. Auslander, C.J. Kempf; December 1995; Prentice Hall
The Codesign of Embedded Systems: A Unified Hardware Software Representation
S. Kumar, S. Klumar; November 1995; Kluwer Academic
The Data Compression Book (Book+Disk)
Mark Nelson, Jean-Loup Gailly; November 1995; IDG Books
Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C
Bruce Schneier; 2nd Ed., October 18, 1995; John Wiley & Sons
PCMCIA System Architecture: 16-Bit PC Cards
Don Anderson; 2nd Ed. September 1995; Addison-Wesley
Interfacing With C
Howard Hutchings; August 1995; Butterworth-Heinemann
Plug and Play System Architecture
Don Anderson; August 1995; Addison-Wesley
Co-Synthesis of Hardware and Software for Digital Embedded Systems (CAD, VLSI)
R.K. Gupta, J. Allen; July 1995; Kluwer Academic
Fuzzy-Neural Control: Principles, Algorithms and Applications
Junhong Nie, Derek Linkens; May 11, 1995; Prentice Hall
Embedded Applications 1995, 1996 (Re MCS-47, MCS-51, MCS-96)
Intel Books, April 1995
Mastering Turbo Assembler
Tom Swan; April 1995; Sams
Digital Control: A State-Space Approach
Richard J. Vaccaro; March 1995; McGraw Hill
Introduction to Microprocessor Theory & Operation: Self-Study Guide With Experiments
J. A. Sam Wilson, Joseph Risse (Contributor); February 1995; PROMPT Pub.
Error Control Systems for Digital Communication and Storage
Stephen B. Wicker; January 1995; Prentice Hall
PID Controllers: Theory, Design, and Tuning
Karl J. Astrom, Tore Hagglund; 2nd Ed. January 1995; ISA
TCP/IP Networking: Architecture, Adminstration, and Programming
James Martin, Joe Leben; August 1994; Prentice Hall
Error Control Systems for Digital Communication and Storage
Stephen B. Wicker; July 19, 1994; Prentice Hall
Specification and Design of Embedded Systems (includes VHDL)
D.D. Gajski, F.Vahid, S.Narayan, J.Gong; July 1, 1994; Prentice Hall
Programming Microcontrollers in C (Re Motorola 68HCxx)
Ted Van Sickle; May 1994; Llh Technology
Biomedical Signal Processing
Metin Akay; March 1994; Academic Press
Designing with Flash Memory
Brian Dipert; March 1994; Coriolis Group; ISBN:
Developing Real-Time Embedded Software in a Market-Driven Company (Re SCSI)
Karen S. Ellison; March 1994; John Wiley & Sons
Direct Digital Control of Building Systems: Theory and Practice
H. Michael Newman; February 1994; John Wiley & Sons
MIDI Systems and Control
Francis Rumsey; April 1994; Butterworth-Heinemann
Advances in Fingerprint Technology
H.C. Lee, R. E. Gaesslen; January 1994; CRC Press
Build Your Own Low-Cost Data Acquisition and Display Devices (Re PC)
Jeffrey Hirst Johnson; December 1993; Tab Books
Electronic Control Projects
Henry C. Smith; December 1993; PROMPT Publications
Industrial Applications of Fuzzy Technology
K. Hirota, H. Solomon; December 1993; Springer Verlag
C Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications
Joe Campbell; 2nd Edition, November 1993; Sams
Software Design Methods for Concurrent and Real-Time Systems
Hassan Gomaa; August 1993; Addison-Wesley
Making Printed Circuit Boards
Jan Axelson; July 1993; McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing
Learning in Embedded Systems
L.P. Kaelbling, L.P. Kaelvling; May 1993; MIT Press
Embedded Real-Time Systems: A Specification and Design Methodology
J Calvez, A Wyche, C Edmundson; February 1993; John Wiley & Sons
Introduction to Computer Engineering: Logic Design and the 8086 (PLDs, CUPL)
Richard E. Haskell; December 9, 1992; Prentice Hall
ISA and EISA: Theory and Operation: Including PC, XT, AT, ISA, and
EISA I/O Bus Operation
Edward Solari; November 1992; Annabooks
Designing Cards and Drivers for the Macintosh Family
Staff Apple Computer; 3rd Ed., July 1992; Addison-Wesley
Numerical Methods/Real-Time and Embedded Systems Programming
Don Morgan; June 1992; IDG Books
The Best of Ciarcia's Circuit Cellar
Steve Ciarcia; March 1992; McGraw Hill
Design With Microprocessors for Mechanical Engineers
A. Kent Stiffler; March 1992; McGraw Hill
Microcontrollers: Architecture, Implementation, and Programming (Re 68HC11, 8051, 80960)
Kenneth J. Hintz, D Tabak; January 1992; McGraw Hill
The Art of Programming Embedded Systems
Jack G. Ganssle; January 1992; Academic Press
Control System Design Guide: Using Your Computer to Develop and
Diagnose Feedback Controllers
George Ellis (Ed.); July 1991; Academic Press
IEEE Standard Microcontroller System Serial Control Bus/STD 1118-1990
IEEE; July 1991
Software Design for Real-Time Systems
J. E. Cooling; January 1991; International Thomson Computer Publishing
Operating System Design
Douglas Comer, Timothy V. Fossum; Vol. 1, May 1988; Prentice Hall
Computer Control of Machines and Processes
John G. Bollinger, Neil A. Duffie; April 1988; Addison-Wesley
A Commonsense Approach to the Theory of Error Correcting Codes
Benjamin Arazi; February 1988; MIT Press
Embedded Systems: New Approaches to Their Formal Description and Design,
an Advanced Course (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 284)
A. Kundig, R.E. Buhrer, J. Dahler (Ed.); October 1987; Springer Verlag
RS-232 Simplified: Everything You Need to Know About Connecting,
Interfacing & Troubleshooting Peripheral Devices
Byron W. Putman; April 1987; Prentice Hall
Microcomputer Theory and Applications With the Intel SDK-85; includes the
Intel 8085, 8086 and the Motorola 68000--68020
Mohamed Rafiquzzaman; January 1987; John Wiley & Sons
Error Control Coding
Shu Lin, Daniel J. Costello; October 1982; Prentice Hall
Virtual Pascal
Free 32-bit Borland Pascal/Delphi compatible
Patterns for Time-Triggered Embedded Systems: Building Reliable Applications with the 8051 Family of Microcontrollers
Michael Pont; January 2001; Addison-Wesley
Bascom-8051 Manual
Mark Alberts; October 2000; MCS Electronics
8051 Microcontrollers, Hardware, Software and Applications
D. M. Calcutt; June 2000; Butterworth-Heinemann
Microcontroller Projects in C for the 8051
Dogan Ibrahim; June 2000; Butterworth-Heinemann
8051 Cookbook for Assembly & C with Experiments in Mechatronics & Robotics
Sencer Yeralan, Helen Emery; February 2000; Rigel Corp.
8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems
Muhammad Ali Mazidi, J.G. Mazidi; November 1999; Prentice Hall
Using the MCS-51 Microcontroller
Han-Way Huang; November 1999; Oxford Univ. Press
The 80251 Microcontroller (Book+CD)
Kenneth J. Ayala; August 1999; Prentice Hall
Embedded Systems Design With 8051 Microcontrollers: Hardware and Software
Z. Karakehayov, K.S. Christensen, O Winther; August 1999; Marcel Dekker
Digital and Microprocessor Fundamentals: Theory and Applications (8051, 8085)
William Kleitz; June 1999; Prentice Hall
C and the 8051: Building Efficient Applications (Book+CD)
Thomas W. Schultz, Bernard Goodwin (Ed.); January 1999; Prentice Hall
Programming and Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller (Book+CD)
Myke Predko; Softcover, January 1999; McGraw-Hill
The 8051 Microcontroller: Hardware, Software and Interfacing (Book+Disk)
James W. Stewart, Kai X. Miao; December 1998; Prentice Hall
The 8051 Microcontroller (ASM51, RL51)
I. Scott MacKenzie; August 1998; Prentice Hall
C and the 8051: Hardware, Modular Programming, and Multitasking (Book+CD)
Thomas W. Schultz; December 1997; Prentice Hall
Microcontroller Cookbook: PIC & 8051
Mike James; November 1997; Butterworth-Heinemann
Microprocessor and Microcontroller Fundamentals: The 8085 and 8051 Hardware and Software
William Kleitz; August 1997; Prentice Hall
The Microcontroller Idea Book: Circuits, Programs & Applications,
featuring the 8052-Basic Single-Chip Computer
Jan Axelson; October 1994; Lakeview Research
The 8051 Family of Microcontrollers
Richard H. Barnett; September 1994; Prentice Hall
C and the 8051 Programming for Multitasking
Thomas W. Schultz; October 1992; Prentice Hall
MC-Tools for PC XT/AT Using the Microcontroller SAB80C535: Board
HEX-LOAD, Debugger, and OSCI-Programs for Development and Training
O. Feger; February 1992; John Wiley & Sons
Embedded Controller Forth: For the 8051 Family
William H. Payne; October 1990; Academic Press
8051 Programming, Interfacing, and Applications: 81 Hands-On Experiments With Intel's SDK-51
Howard Boyet, Ron Katz; February 1982; Howard Boyet
Microcontroller Technology: The 68HC11
Peter Spasov; 4th Ed. March 2001; Prentice Hall
Embedded Microcontrollers (CPU12, uC/OS-II)
Todd D. Morton; October 2000; Pearson Education
Technician's Guide to the 68HC11 Microcontroller
Dan Black; September 2000; Delmar Pub.
Embedded Microcontroller Interfacing for M-CORE Systems (Book+CD)
G. Jack Lipovski, J. David Irwin; July 2000; Academic Pr.
MC68HC11: An Introduction
Han-Way Huang; 2nd Ed. June 2000; Delmar
Programming the Motorola M68HC12 Family
Gordon Doughman; May 2000; Annabooks
Data Acquisition and Process Control With the M68HC11 Microcontroller
F.F. Driscoll, R.F. Coughlin, R.S. Villanucci; January 2000; Prentice Hall
Embedded Microcomputer Systems: Real Time Interfacing (Book+CD)
Jonathan W. Valvano; January 2000; Brooks/Cole Pub.
Software and Hardware Engineering: Motorola M68HC12
Fredrick M. Cady, J.M. Sibigtroth; January 2000; Oxford Univ. Press
6800 Microprocessor Architecture, Software and Interfacing
Walter Triebel; December 1999; Prentice Hall
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12/11 Microcontrollers (WHYP Forth, C++)
Richard E. Haskell; October 15, 1999; Prentice Hall
Programming and Customizing the 68HC11 Microcontroller (Book+CD)
Tom Fox; October 1999; McGraw-Hill
Introduction to Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming, and
Interfacing of the Motorola 68HC12 (Book+Disk)
Jack Lipovski; September 17, 1999; Academic Press
Single and Multi-Chip Microcontroller Interfacing for the Motorola 68HC12
(includes CD with HiWare C++ compiler)
Jack G. Lipovski; March 1999; Academic Press
Advanced 8-Bit Microprocessor: MC6809: Its Software, Hardware,
Architecture & Interfacing Techniques
R. Paramesran, R.J. Simpson, P. Raveendran; December 1998; Springer Verlag
Computer Programming for Technology and Engineering (68HC11, 68k)
John W. Carter; November 10, 1998; Prentice Hall
MC68HC11 an Introduction: Software and Hardware Interfacing
Han-Way Huang; September 1, 1998; The West Group
Digital Signal Processing and the Microcontroller (MC68HC16, Book+CD)
Dale Grover, John R. Deller, Jonathan Roth; August 11, 1998; Prentice Hall
Microcomputer Engineering (Re 68HC11)
Gene H. Miller; 2nd Ed. August 1998; Prentice Hall
Microcontroller Technology: The 68HC11
Peter Spasov; 3rd Ed. August 1998; Prentice Hall
Using Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: The Motorola Family,
Fourth Edition (68HC05, 68HC08, 68HC11, 68HC12, 68HC16, MPC505)
William C. Wray; August 1998; Prentice Hall
Data Acquisition and Process Control with the MC68HC11 Micro Controller
F. Driscoll, R. Coughlin, R. Villanucci, Amy Driscoll; August 1993; Prentice Hall
Software and Hardware Engineering: Motorola M68HC11 (AS11 asm & Buffalo Monitor)
Frederick M. Cady; February 1997; Oxford Univ. Press
Microcontrollers & Microcomputers: Principles of Software and Hardware Engineering (HC11)
Fredrick Cady; January 1997; Oxford University Press
The M68HC11 Microcontroller: Applications in Control, Instrumentation and Communication
Michael Kheir; December 10, 1996; Prentice Hall
Microprocessors and Microcomputers: Hardware and Software (68HC11)
R.J. Tocci, L. Laskowski, F. Ambrosio; August 21, 1996; Prentice Hall
Using the M68HC11 Microcontroller: A Guide to Interfacing and Programming
John C. Skroder; June 3, 1996; Prentice Hall
68000 Family Assembly Language
Alan Clements; August 1994; PWS Pub.
68HC11 Microcontroller
Joseph D. Greenfield; January 1992; Saunders College Pub.
The Motorola MC68332 Microcontroller: Product Design, Assembly Language
Programming, and Interfacing
Thomas L. Harman; March 1991; Prentice Hall
The 6800 Microprocessor
Jack Quinn; March 1990; Merrill Pub. Co.
Microprocessors and Microcomputers: The 6800 Family
Ronald J. Tocci, Lester P. Laskowski (Contributor); January 1986; Prentice Hall
Developing Embedded Software in C Using ICC11/ICC12/Hiware (Free online)
Embedded Microprocessor Systems: Real-Time Interfacing (Published)
Jonathan W. Valvano; December 1999; Brooks/Cole Pub. Co.
The Quintessential PIC Microcontroller
Sid Katzen; May 2001; Springer Verlag
PICmicro Pocket Reference
Myke Predko; December 2000; McGraw-Hill
Build and Understand PIC Microcontroller Circuits
David W. Smith; November 2000; Butterworth-Heinemann
Guide to PICmicro Microcontrollers
Carl J. Bergquist; November 2000; Howard W Sams
TCP/IP Lean: A Web Server for Real-Time Systems (PIC16F84)
Jeremy Bentham; November 2000; CMP Books
Programming and Customizing the PICmicro (Book+CD)
Myke Predko; 2nd Ed, September 2000; McGraw-Hill
PIC C: An Introduction to Programming the Microchip PIC in C
Nigel Gardner; August 2000; Custom Computer Services
PIC Microcontroller Project Book
John Iovine; May 2000; McGraw-Hill
Easy PIC'n: A Beginners Guide to Using PIC16/17 Microcontrollers from Square 1
David Benson; June 1999; Square One Electronics
PIC'n Up Pace: An Intermediate Guide to Using PIC Microcontrollers from Square 1
David Benson; June 1999; Square One Electronics
Serial PIC'n: PIC Microcontroller Serial Communications
Roger L. Stevens; May 1999; Square 1
PIC'n Techniques, PIC Microcontroller Applications Guide
David Benson; January 1999; Square 1
PIC: Your Personal Introductory Course
John Morton; August 1998; Newnes
Design With PIC Microcontrollers
John B. Peatman; November 1997; Prentice Hall
Microcontroller Cookbook: PIC & 8051
Mike James; November 1997; Butterworth-Heinemann
Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller (Book+Disk)
Michael Predko; September 1997; McGraw-Hill
Programming and Customizing the Basic Stamp
Scott Edwards; March 2001; McGraw-Hill
The Microcontroller Application Cookbook (Stamp 2)
Matt Gilliland; October 2000; Woodglen
Basic Stamp: An Introduction to Microcontrollers
Claus Kuhnel, Klaus Zahnert; 2nd Ed, July 2000; Newnes
Microcontroller Projects With Basic Stamps (Book+CD)
Al Williams; October 1999; R & D Books
Programming and Customizing the Basic Stamp Computer (Book+CD)
Scott Edwards; March 1998; McGraw-Hill
The Basic Stamp 2 - Tutorial and Applications
Peter H. Anderson; February 1998; Peter H. Anderson
Basic Stamp: An Introduction to Microcontrollers
Claus Kuhnel, Klaus Zahnert; March 1997; Butterworth-Heinemann
Embedded C Programming with the Atmel AVR
Richard, Barnett, Sarah Cox; Delmar Learning; October 2002
Programming and Customizing the AVR Microcontroller (Book+CD)
Dhananjay V. Gadre; September 2000; McGraw-Hill
AVR RISC Microcontroller Handbook
Claus Kuhnel; September 1998; Newnes
Handbook of Microcontrollers (Re 8051, 68HC05, Atmel AVR, PIC, Stamp, +CD)
Michael Predko; July 1998; McGraw Hill
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Z-80 Microprocessor: Architecture, Interfacing, Programming, and Design
Ramesh S. Gaonkar; 3rd Ed. July 2000; Prentice Hall
Microcomputers and Microprocessors: The 8080, 8085, and Z-80
Programming, Interfacing, and Troubleshooting
John E. Uffenbeck; 3rd Ed. June 1999; Prentice Hall
Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085
Ramesh S. Gaonkar; 4th Ed. February 1999; Prentice Hall
The 8085A Microprocessor: Software, Programming and Architecture
Barry B. Brey; January 1998; Prentice Hall
Microprocessor & Microcontroller Fundamentals: The 8085 & 8051 Hardware & Software
William Kleitz; August 1997; Prentice Hall
Microprocessor Technology (Refers to Z-80 & 6502)
J. S. Anderson, Stuart Anderson; August 1994; Butterworth-Heinemann
Intel Microprocessors: Hardware, Software, & Applications: 8085, 8086/88, 80486
Roy W. Goody; May 1993; Glencoe McGraw Hill
The Z80 Microprocessor: Architecture, Interfacing, Programming and Design
Ramesh S. Gaonkar; August 1992; Merrill Pub. Co.
Microcomputers and Microprocessors: The 8080, 8085, and Z-80
Programming, Interfacing, and Troubleshooting
John E. Uffenbeck; 2nd Ed. January 1991; Prentice Hall
Microprocessor Programming, Troubleshooting, and Interfacing: The Z80, 8080 and 8085
J. Coffron; January 1988; Prentice Hall
The 16-Bit 8096: Programming, Interfacing, Applications:
122 Hands-On Experiments With Intel's ISBE-96 Emulator
Ron Katz, Howard Boyet; January 1986; Howard Boyet
80X86 IBM PC & Compatible Computers: Assembly Language, Design & Interfacing Vol. I & II
Muhammed Ali Mazidi; January 2000; Prentice Hall
Real-Time Programming: A Guide to 32-Bit Embedded Development
R. Grehan, R. Moote, I. Cyliax; November 1999; Addison-Wesley
The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486,
Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium II Processors: Architecture, Programming
Barry B. Brey; August 1999; Prentice Hall
Embedded Microprocessor Systems Design: An Introduction Using the Intel 80C188EB
Kenneth L. Short; March 16, 1998; Prentice Hall
The Low Power Embedded 486 (Book+Disk)
Bill Gallas; September 30, 1997; Peer to Peer Communications
Embedded Controllers: 80186, 80188, and 80386EX
Barry B. Brey; August 7, 1997; Prentice Hall
Build Your Own Computer: How to Construct an 8088 Based Single Board Microcomputer
Walter Fuller; December 1995; Delmar Pub.
Embedded Microprocessors (Intel 386, 80186/80188)
Intel Corp; January 1995
I960 Jx Microprocessor User's Manual
Intel Corp; January 1995
I960 Processors and Related Products 1994
Intel Corp; January 1995
Introduction to Computer Engineering: Logic Design and the 8086 (PLDs, CUPL)
Richard E. Haskell; December 9, 1992; Prentice Hall
I860 Microprocessor Family Programmer's Reference Manual
November 1992; McGraw-Hill
Microcontrollers: Architecture, Implementation, and Programming (Re 68HC11, 8051, 80960)
Kenneth J. Hintz, Daniel Tabak; January 1992; McGraw Hill
80960Kb Programmer's Reference Manual / Order No 270567
Intel Books; June 1988
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DSP for Scientists and Engineers Using MatLab
Delores M. Etter; January 2001; Prentice Hall
Digital Audio Processing (Book+CD)
Doug Coulter; January 2000; R & D Books
DSP Software Development for Real-Time Systems
Robert Oshana; November 2000; CMP Books
Electronics Cookbook Series: DSP Filters
John Lane, Ed Martinez; November 2000; Howard W Sams
ARM System-on-Chip Architecture
Steve Furber; 2nd Ed. August 2000; Addison-Wesley
Real-Time Signal Processing: Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems
John G. Ackenhusen; July 1999; Prentice Hall
DSP Integrated Circuits
Lars Wanhammar; March 1999; Academic Pr.
See MIPS Run
Dominic Sweetman; February 1999; Morgan Kaufmann
Digital Control Using Digital Signal Processing (TMS320, ADSP-2115)
Farzad Nekoogar, Gene Moriarty; November 24, 1998; Prentice Hall
C++ Algorithms for Digital Signal Processing
P.M. Embree, D Danneli; 2nd Edition, November 13, 1998; Prentice Hall
Introduction to RISC Assembly Language Programming
John Waldron; November 1998; Addison-Wesley
DSP Primer (Book+CD)
C. Britton Rorabaugh; October 1998; McGraw Hill
Alpha RISC Architecture for Programmers
J.S. Evans, R.H. Eckhouse; October 29, 1998; Prentice Hall
ARM System Architecture
Stephen B. Furber; April 1998; Addison Wesley
The Digital Signal Processing Handbook
V. Madisetti, D.B. Williams; January 1998; CRC Press
DSP First: A Multimedia Approach
J.H. McClellan, R.W. Schafer, M.A. Yoder; December 1997; Prentice Hall
Numerical Methods for DSP Systems in C
Don Morgan; October 1997; John Wiley & Sons
A Digital Signal Processing Laboratory Using the TMS320C30 (Book+Disk)
Henrik V. Sorensen, J Chen; July 1997; Prentice Hall
Digital Signal Processing Demystified
James D. Broesch; March 1997; LLH Technology Pub.
A Course in Digital Signal Processing
Boaz Porat; October 11, 1996; John Wiley & Sons
Understanding Digital Signal Processing
Richard G. Lyons; October 1996; Addison-Wesley
Sampling in Digital Signal Processing and Control (Systems & Control)
Arie Feuer, Graham C. Goodwin; September 1996; Birkhauser
Digital Signal Processing Applications With Motorola's DSP56002 Processor
M. El-Sharkawy; July 1996; Prentice Hall
A DSP Primer: With Applications to Digital Audio and Computer Music
Ken Steiglitz; April 1996; Addison-Wesley
A Practitioner's Guide to RISC Microprocessor Architecture
Patrick H. Stakem; April 1996; John Wiley & Sons
Active Noise Control Systems: Algorithms and DSP Implementations (TMS320)
Sen M. Kuo, D.R. Morgan; January 1996; John Wiley & Sons
HP Pa-RISC 2.0 Architecture
Gerry Kane; December 18, 1995; Prentice Hall
Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications
J.G. Proakis, D.G. Manolaki; 3rd Ed. October 5, 1995; Prentice Hall
PowerPC Programming Pocket Book
Steve Heath; October 1995; Butterworth-Heinemann
Microprocessor Architecture and Microprogramming: A State Machine Approach (RISC)
John W. Carter; Book+Disk August 1995; Prentice Hall
Communication System Design Using DSP Algorithms: With
Laboratory Experiments for the TMS320C30
Steven A. Tretter; July 1995; Plenum Pub.
Microprocessor Architectures RISC, CISC and DSP
Steve Heath; 2nd Edition, July 1995; Butterworth-Heinemann
C Language Algorithms for Real-Time DSP
Paul M. Embree; May 17, 1995; Prentice Hall
Detection of Signals in Noise
R.N. McDonough, A.D. Whalen; 2nd Ed. April 1995; Academic Press
PowerPC System Architecture
Tom Shanley; 2nd Ed. April 1995; Addison-Wesley
Practical DSP Modeling, Techniques, and Programming in C
Don Morgan; December 1994; John Wiley & Sons
The PowerPC Architecture: A Specification for a New Family of RISC Processors, 2nd Ed.
C. May, E. Sikha, R. Simpson, H. Warren; June 1994; Academic Press
The SPARC Architecture Manual Version 9
D.L. Weaver, T. Germond; November 18, 1993; Prentice Hall
Programming the 29K RISC Family
Daniel Mann; October 1993; Prentice Hall;
Handbook for Digital Signal Processing
Sanjit K. Mitra, James F. Kaiser; July 1993; John Wiley & Sons
A Programmer's View of Computer Architecture: With Assembly Language
Examples from the MIPS RISC Architecture
James Goodman, Karen Miller; January 1993; HBJ College & School Div.
Parallel Algorithms and Architectures for DSP Applications
Magdy A. Bayoumi (Ed.); September 1991; Kluwer Academic
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